Class jaws.QuadTree
- Defined in: quadtree.js
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
jaws.QuadTree(bounds, depth)
Creates an empty quadtree with optional bounds and starting depth
Method Summary
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
Moves through the nodes and deletes them.
collide(list1, list2, callback)
Checks for collisions between objects by creating a quadtree, inserting one or more objects,
and then comparing the results of a retrieval against another single or set of objects.
Inserts an object into the quadtree, spliting it into new branches if needed
Returns those objects on the branch matching the position of the passed-in object
Class Detail
jaws.QuadTree(bounds, depth)
Creates an empty quadtree with optional bounds and starting depth
- Parameters:
- {jaws.Rect} bounds Optional
- The defining bounds of the tree
- {number} depth Optional
- The current depth of the tree
Method Detail
clear()Moves through the nodes and deletes them.
{boolean} collide(list1, list2, callback)Checks for collisions between objects by creating a quadtree, inserting one or more objects, and then comparing the results of a retrieval against another single or set of objects. With the callback argument, it will call a function and pass the items found colliding as the first and second argument. Without the callback argument, it will return a boolean value if any collisions were found.
- Parameters:
- {object|array} list1
- A single or set of objects with properties x, y, width, and height
- {object|array} list2
- A single or set of objects with properties x, y, width, and height
- {function} callback Optional
- The function to call per collision
- Returns:
- {boolean} If the items (or any within their sets) collide with one another
insert(pRect)Inserts an object into the quadtree, spliting it into new branches if needed
- Parameters:
- {object} pRect
- An object with the properties x, y, width, and height
{array} retrieve(pRect)Returns those objects on the branch matching the position of the passed-in object
- Parameters:
- {object} pRect
- An object with properties x, y, width, and height
- Returns:
- {array} The objects on the same branch as the passed-in object